Social Media and Internet Culture Expert, 1994 – present

  • Maintained a strong presence on CompuServe’s forums and AOL’s message boards from 1994 until they were no longer relevant
  • As sysop for several sections of CompuServe’s HSX 100 and 200 forums, ran chat conferences, started discussion threads, welcomed and guided new community members, dealt with member complaints and conflicts, and damped down flamewars
  • Have blogged using Blogger; built social networks and administered communities on LiveJournal; and maintained influential professional, personal, and client accounts on Dreamwidth, Twitter (Klout score usually about 40), Google Buzz, Tumblr, and Facebook
  • Built a strong online and 3D community as 2005 East Bay Municipal Liaison for National Novel Writing Month, holding write-ins at coffee shops, sending encouraging email newsletters, and guiding online discussions
  • As ghostwriter for a trade-show consultant, developed expertise in social media, streaming video, and online trade shows in order to write weekly newsletters
  • Designed and executed social media strategy for publicizing new literary convention via Twitter, Facebook, blog posts, and communities on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth

Senior Writer and Web Content Manager, Various, Inc.,  February 2007 – March 2008

  • Hired, trained, supervised, and scheduled staff of five working two shifts
  • Researched, commissioned, edited, scheduled, and posted new content (fiction, nonfiction, video, and still photograph) for daily uploads
  • Discovered, hired, and supervised freelance writers, held them to deadline, edited their work, and negotiated their contracts
  • Created marketing collateral for website, including taglines, teasers, and twice-monthly newsletter for users
  • Served as main contact with site users, including managing user discontent caused by two separate buy-outs and consequent disruptions of user experience
  • Worked as project manager coordinating technical teams to keep content flowing in an environment of undocumented proprietary site software, data migrations, software upgrades, web hosting upgrades, and network issues
  • Managed budget for outsourced content and served as liaison and quality control for content vendors
  • Maintained accurate, up-to-date database of key legal information
  • Initiated, created, reviewed, and documented procedures for all of the above

The greatest thing
in the world
is the Alphabet
as all knowledge
is contained therein
except the wisdom
of putting it together.
—from an old German bookplate